My Date with Billy Balducci

August 26, 2008 • Posted in blindness, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized by

Hanging at Hackneys with bartender Billy Balducci!You know who Billy Balducci is, right? The bartender at Hackney’s, our local tavern? The guy sitting next to me in that photo from an October blog post? You know, the post called Cheers!?

It’s been a year since I started this Safe & Sound blog, and out of all the posts I’ve published, thatCheers! one got more traffic than anything else I’ve posted here. The Cheers! ball got rolling after a woman from Long Island left a comment:

Christina S.
October 30, 2007 at 3:40 pm

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Billy Balducci is a total hottie?

Once word got out about the Hackney’s Hottie, everyone had to take a look. My “unique visit” stat went sky-high! I became a blog maven.

The Hackney’s Hottie is a White Sox fan, and when I found myself with two free tickets to a game, he agreed to go with Hanni and me. (Mike couldn’t go — the game was in the afternoon, and the poor guy had to work.)

Hanni came along as chaperone, guiding me as usual until we got close to the park. Crowds were forming, so I switched to the “follow” command: Billy took the lead, Hanni and I trailed behind. That didn’t work for long, though. White Sox Park was so packed with fans that day (the White Sox are in first place, after all!) that it was too hard for Hanni to keep track of Billy. So I dropped Hanni’s harness, signaling to her that she doesn’t have to lead anymore. I kept track of Hanni with the leash in my left hand while hooking onto Billy Balducci’s arm (just above the elbow) with my right. This was a first for Billy – when he and I get together, there is usually a bar between us. He had never been a “sighted guide” before, and he seemed nervous about—and a little tickled by – the responsibility. I could follow his body movements once he learned to hold his arm naturally and close to his side, and he knew intuitively to stop at stairs or curbs. I showed Billy how to warn me when passages got too narrow for the three of us to pass through – he would move his arm to his back, as if he were reaching into his hip pocket. That was my cue to stay directly behind him.

Hanni usually enjoys walking “sighted guide” for a while – it gives her a break from leading. Remember, though – even though I don’t have my hand on the harness, she still has it strapped to her back. This means no one can pet her, and she can’t snarf up food from the floor or sniff at other people. So after a while, she gets frustrated. As long as her harness is on, she figures, she might as well be working.

Julie Taylor, Director of Guest Services and Diamond Suite Operations for the White Sox (and, more importantly, a dog lover!) couldn’t help but notice us. She called us over, asking if she could see our tickets. “I think we can move you somewhere better,” she said. We ended up right behind the Texas Ranger dugout.

Billy gave me play-by-play when necessary, the White Sox came from behind to win, and we had a ball.

The next time Mike, Hanni and I walked in to Hackney’s, we found Billy Balducci behind the bar telling the owner about the game. He waited until we were within earshot before adding one last detail. “And Jim, here’s the best part,” he gushed. “I was arm-in-arm with Beth the whole time!”

Jen Amodt On August 26, 2008 at 3:07 pm

You went on a date with Billy?! Oh my, the girls are going to be SO jealous!! Sounds like fun and upgraded seats are even better! Did Billy walk you to your door at the end of the date?!

bethfinke On August 26, 2008 at 3:35 pm

Ha! I’d love to answer that he took his coat off and placed it on the walkway to our front door. You know, so that my feet (and Hanni’s paws!) wouldn’t get dirty. But the truth is that the Hackney’s Hottie had to rush off to a 5 pm manager’s meeting at Hackney’s after the game. So he just left us off at the corner!
You know that Billy Balducci: he always leaves women begging for more.

Nigel On August 26, 2008 at 7:20 pm

“Hackney’s Hottie!” I love it. Talk about using cheap SEO tricks to drive up your traffic. Fun post though. I won’t show it to my wife in case she decides to hang out at Hackney’s more…

Beth On August 26, 2008 at 7:37 pm

You are so right about my use of cheap SEO tricks to drive up traffic. I’m shameless.

Sarah On September 6, 2008 at 6:14 am

Hi Beth,
Sorry you haven’t seen me around…
I’ve met Julie Taylor. She is a very nice lady. *smile* I’ve been to U.S. Cellular ball park a lot with Sue Dalton and the Summer In The City gang. We’ve been on the field and in all these important rooms.
Anyway, your game day sounded like fun.
Hope you have a great weekend!

bethfinke On September 6, 2008 at 4:46 pm

Sarah, Hanni and I are heading to White Sox park again this week, thanks to yet *another* organization for the blind. Blind Service Association in Chicago was given 19 tix to this Wednesday’s game against Toronto — I’ll be in one of them! Hanni will be underfoot, of course, hoping that someone drops a hot dog in her path.

Hanni the Diamond Dog « Safe & Sound blog On September 8, 2008 at 10:31 pm

[…] At all the parks Hanni and I have gone to together (Seattle, St. Louis, Milwaukee plus Wrigley and US Cellular in Chicago) we’ve traveled “sighted guide” – a method you might remember from reading my My Date with Billy Balducci post. […]

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