Archive for the “Uncategorized” Category

Be Prepared: Wisconsin Book Festival

October 14, 20073 CommentsPosted in book tour, Uncategorized

More than 30 people gathered at the Madison Children’s Museum Friday night to hear me talk about “Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound.” A lot of the kids in the audience were Girl Scouts. By attending the presentation I did with Hanni these scouts not only made progress on their “Books” badge, but they got […]

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Warsaw Weekend

October 2, 200713 CommentsPosted in travel, Uncategorized

Whatta wonderful Warsaw weekend!  Weather was warm, we walked wherever we went. We witnessed where warriors waged war. We wandered where World War widows wept. Wedding? Well, we waltzed, whirling wildly, wowing wedding-goers. Whew! Week-end, we were weary, worn-out, weak. Wonder why? Wodka. Okay. Enough. But if you wondered how desperate I felt during that […]

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