Archive for the “Uncategorized” Category

Mondays with Mike: 50-50? Gus will take those odds.

August 29, 201624 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, parenting a child with special needs, Uncategorized

On September 3, 1986, Beth called me at work and said, “Today’s the day.” As in, her OB-GYN was scheduling a C-section for later that day to deliver our son. Because Beth’s a type 1 diabetic she routinely—thanks to the kindness of friends—made twice-weekly visits to the doctor to monitor things. So I was used […]

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Never again

August 27, 201610 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

The writers in the memoir classes I lead keep me amused, alert and alive. One of them phoned this week bemoaning our assignment. “I’ve been thinking and thinking about it all week,” she said. “I can’t come up with anything to write about. I want to keep doing everything! We both laughed. “You are my […]

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