Posts Tagged “retirement”

Hanni’s first slumber party

May 11, 201010 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

We’re off to Champaign this afternoon, and a surprise awaits Hanni when we arrive. Our friend Brad is picking us up at the train station, taking Hanni to his house and hosting her very first slumber party. Brad is one of the folks interested in adopting Hanni when she retires, and we thought it might […]

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What Happens When Seeing Eye Dogs Retire?

September 28, 20094 CommentsPosted in book tour, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools

“How much does Hanni weigh?” That was the first question asked after our presentation at Jackson Middle School in Orlando Friday. Not a bad question, really. Just one I hadn’t heard after any of the talks I’d given before. Seems every time we visit a school, one of the kids in the audience comes up […]

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