NPR commentator Beth Finke is an award-winning author, teacher, journalist and a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant. She also happens to be blind. VIDEO: “What’s it like to go blind?”
“To face extraordinary challenges with grace and courage is remarkable in itself. To write about it as eloquently as Beth Finke does is a gift.” — Jean Thompson, author of She Poured Out Her Heart
I’ve been AWOL from the blog for a long while now. That’s owed to a number of things, including some health issues (which have largely resolved). I have managed to continue leading memoir classes, though less frequently, and I’m delighted to report that Luna and I are again visiting schools through the terrific Educating Outside […]
Continue reading the Luna and I are back on the road and kids still ask the darnedest questions!articleHey all! As that poppy America song goes, “I’ve been one poor correspondent.” I’m afraid I let myself lapse into one of those phases in life where I succumbed to the sense that I’m too busy to do the things that’d I really like to do. And this little blog is something that I’ve always […]
Continue reading the Mondays with Mike: The Waiting GamearticleMondays with Mike is back! It’s–about the time I thought I’d get back in the Mondays rhythm, life happened and, well, apologies for the absence. There’s a backlog of blog ideas, but for today, I’m going to stick with something that maybe has been going on for a while but I’ve just noticed: The proliferation […]
Continue reading the Mondays with Mike: The wide, wacky, world of sportsarticleWhat’s on your mind? I’d love to hear from you.
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