Leading with the fire in your hips

June 13, 2012 • Posted in book tour, public speaking, Uncategorized by

I’m putting the final touches on my morning keynote for tomorrow’s Women’s Leadership Symposium in Chicago. The conference theme is Synergy of Sisterhood: Breaking Barriers, Creating Alliances, and the University of Illinois – Chicago’s Women’s Leadership & Resource Center is offering workshops all day long.

One workshop that particularly caught my eye (okay, my ear) is called Leading With The Fire In Your Hips – Introduction Course to the Sensual Moving Meditation Practice for Womyn. The workshop is described as a “sensual experience for womyn that helps them identify their fears.” Now, c’mon. there’s not enough coffee in the world to help my morning keynote stimulate an audience the way that one will! Maybe you should consider signing up for the conference yourself — it’s open to Faculty, Staff, Students, and the Public.

Thursday, June 14
Women’s Leadership Symposium
Illinois Room, Student Center East
750 South Halsted
Chicago, IL

This program qualifies for LLEAP (Lifelong Learning and Educational Access Program) credit, and you can register on-site for the symposium tomorrow starting at 8:15 a.m. My morning keynote starts at 9 a.m., and I hope everyone in the audience lets the fire in their hips lead them to my table afterwards — Sandmeyer’s Bookstore is providing books for me to sign for anyone interested.

becky On June 16, 2012 at 5:55 pm

This sounds like an amazing symposium. Best wishes with it all! I am sure yours will be fabulous as well!

bethfinke On June 17, 2012 at 6:27 am

Thanks, Becky. It went very well last Thursday, and when I sat down to sign books afterwards I received plenty of hugs and good wishes from the women in the audience. One of them, a Mary Kay rep, even gave me a tube of lipstick as a gift: Fuschia!

bethfinke On June 18, 2012 at 9:24 am

Oops. I mean f-u-c-h-s-i-a. Fuchsia.

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