Archive for the “Flo” Category

Why Didn’t They Believe Him?

June 18, 202012 CommentsPosted in Flo, politics, radio

When I was growing up with Type 1 diabetes (we called it “juvenile diabetes” back then) my mom, Flo, made me carry a medical card with me whenever I left the house. “I AM NOT DRUNK,” the card declared in all capital letters. “I AM A DIABETIC.” It went on to explain that if I […]

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Attention last-minute shoppers: here’s how to send an e- book as a gift

December 21, 2017CommentsPosted in Flo, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, parenting a child with special needs, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, travel

Mike, Seeing-Eye dog Whitney and I are taking a train to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit our son Gus for the weekend, and while we’re away our niece Janet and her kids are staying at our place to enjoy Christmassy Chicago. So, like so many others, Mike and I are running around packing, shopping and cleaning. […]

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