"Author of" interviews . . . me!

December 11, 2013 • Posted in Blogroll, book tour, guest blog, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, Writing for Children by

Kate Hannigan Issa’s The Good Fun! book and my Safe & Sound book were both illustrated by the talented Anthony Alex Letourneau and published by the fabulous Blue Marlin Publications. Kate lives in Chicago, too, and while
waiting for Disney-Hyperion to publish her second book this May she squeezes in time to promote other authors on her “Author of” blog. And I’m delighted that she chose to interview me in a recent post…here it is:

Beth Finke’s ‘Safe and Sound’ Makes an Inspiring Holiday Gift

Christmastime for me growing up meant one thing: my annual plea for a dog. I was obsessed with them, begged Santa to slip one under the tree, read all sorts of books about them, memorized every breed. For kids and families with an interest in dogs, Chicago author Beth Finke’s beautiful story of her relationship with her Seeing Eye dog, Hanni, makes a fascinating, uplifting holiday gift.

Read the full blog and interview at Author of

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