Now here's a modern woman who embraces technology

May 21, 2014 • Posted in memoir writing, Uncategorized by

Some members of the memoir-writing class I lead at the Chicago Cultural Center. Wanda is to my left in the photo (the far right as you look at it).

I am always inspired by the stories my memoir writers read out loud about their past, but sometimes, I’m equally inspired by a story one of them tells me about what’s going on in their present life.

Take Wanda. She has had a significant hearing loss since childhood and sits right next to me during class so she doesn’t miss a word. Her hearing impairment was not detected until she was a young adult, and she often got in trouble for not paying attention in school.

Wanda is 92 years old now and has learned to use a computer to write her essays for class. She’s a thoroughly modern woman: she follows this blog (hi, Wanda!) and sends an email message my way from time to time, too. Last night I checked my email one last time before heading off to bed and found this message from Wanda in my “in box” about a new piece of technology she’d received for free with a prescription from her ear doctor:

Hi Beth !!I’m so excited my caption phone has been installed. The screen lights when the phone rings. The number and name of the caller is printed on the screen. It prints out what the person on the line is saying. It will store the conversation for further reference. It has a personal directory to store all personal phone numbers. With the volume control and the caption I can talk to all of my soft talking friends. These are just a few of the features.
Isn’t that JUST A GREAT piece of technical equipment and a blessing to us hard of hearing folks??
NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, as soon as I remember how to turn the sucker on, I will start calling. (SMILE)

Wanda B.

Amanda On May 22, 2014 at 7:21 pm

As always can’t wait for the next post. FYI though for anyone who is both hearing and visually impaired they can get free technology and training on how to use it. Through “” and their state contact the technology ranges from phones to computers and Braille displays.

bethfinke On May 23, 2014 at 11:41 am

Oh, Amanda, thank you so, so much for responding to this blog post –I was hoping someone “in the know” would respond with more info for those who are interested in getting this very cool technology free of cost. Thanks so much for taking the time to write.


Audrey On May 23, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Wanda’s sense of humor is “second to none”.

For those of you keeping count | Safe & Sound blog On May 25, 2014 at 8:53 pm

[…] many of you commented here (or told me personally) about how much you liked reading last week’s post about 92-year-old writer Wanda Bridgeforth’s first try at using a new high-tech “caption phone,” that I thought you might […]

Deborah Darsie On June 1, 2014 at 7:03 pm

I love the sound of Wanda’s sense of adventure and spirit! So many people poo-poo or fear technology. It CAN have such a positive impact when it addresses a real need in a useful manner.

I am a geek, but not a digital native. I have no drive to engage in tech for tech’s sake, that is a rat race with no end!
Thanks for your wonderful storytelling!

bethfinke On June 1, 2014 at 9:01 pm

You’re welcome, and you’re not a bad storyteller yourself, Deborah. Your word “useful” is key here!


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