Mondays with Mike: OMG, Ooooommmmmm

June 19, 2017 • Posted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike by

Some twenty years ago, when Beth and I lived for a couple years on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, one of our beach friends talked me into joining her at yoga class. I’d heard and read good things about yoga, but I confess that I had a crunchy granola prejudice against it that made me a little reluctant.

Plus—especially back then—yoga classes seemed to be attended overwhelmingly by women. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, and I like being around lots of women as much as the next person (if I were ever single again I’d do two things: get a puppy and walk it a lot, and take yoga). But it can make a person self-conscious.

But, our friend was persuasive and one day I joined her at class. I’m glad I did. Like lots of self-inflicted trepidations, my reluctance was not well founded. I really enjoyed the class. I learned that it’s surprisingly rigorous and relaxing at the same time. I got stronger, my balance improved, and my joints ached less.

My yoga bro Steve is threatening to bring this to class.

Of course, like a lot of things that are good for me, I let yoga lapse. I took a class here and there but never stayed with it. But over this past year, I’ve found myself wanting to say “oil can” more and more often when I get out of bed.

So I talked our friend Steve into joining me in a beginner’s class at Tejas Studios, just a healthy walk from our neighborhood.

And again, I was struck by how hard it was to do these things that don’t seem like they should be hard. And how much I sweated and how tired I got without ever leaving my little yoga mat. But it really felt great.

After our first class Steve and I turned our phones back on and found we had texts from our spouses. Steve’s spouse Laura, Beth and our friend Ruth were Kasey’s, a local watering hole, and we should meet them there. So Steve and I, relaxed and refreshed from yoga, bounced up in our elastic tights and our neonish yoga mats to meet our womenfolk, who were huddled around a table over their beers. As Steve put it, what’s wrong with this picture?

It was then that Laura noticed that my neon green yoga mat nearly matched my neon green Nikes. This was wholly unintentional: I’d purchased each online at steeply discounted prices because, well, they’re neon green. There were a few requisite Lululemon jokes and a good time was had by all, albeit much of it at Steve’s and my expense.

Steve couldn’t make the next class (he took a makeup session) so I made it through on my own. Again, it was rigorous enough for me to feel like I’d run several miles even though I never got out of a 10 square foot space.

On the way home, I remembered I needed some vegetables to go with the fish I was going to cook the next day. So I stopped at Trader Joe’s. And as I checked out, I realized: I’m in my yoga clothes, with my yoga mat, talking to a pierced, tattooed exuberantly happy clerk who clearly approved of me.

I called Beth from the store and explained the little tableau I found myself in. I felt like asking, “What’s happened to me?” At least she didn’t say “I don’t even know you anymore.”





Patricia On June 19, 2017 at 2:51 pm

Woo Hoo! Love knowing that Tejas is still in the ‘hood and enjoying local participants. In m opinion, the world would be a better place if everybody did Yoga and received a massage!

Laura On June 19, 2017 at 2:54 pm

Sheesh. I feel like I don’t even know EITHER of you any more. 😉

Hank On June 19, 2017 at 3:00 pm

I’ve been doing (easy) yoga a couple of times a week for a while now and I am pretty sure I recommend it to everyone for any complaint. My personal favorite pose is still savasana. I could do that one for hours. Will have to track down some neon green gear though. I think that will surely up my game.

Marilee On June 19, 2017 at 3:20 pm

Oh my goodness – what a picture I have in my head! Now every time I go to Trader Joe’s I will be thinking of this and I will be smiling!!

Cheryl On June 19, 2017 at 3:26 pm

I like the new you ?‍♀️

Mike On June 19, 2017 at 4:30 pm

Patricia, Tejas is going strong, in a new location on Wabash. And I’m working on the massage!

Janet May Sterling On June 19, 2017 at 6:29 pm

PICTURES. We NEED to see the pictures!?

Wanda On June 20, 2017 at 7:23 am

You must be a sight for sore eyes in that neon outfit. I do a set of exercises that combine yoga, sit-a-cises and Wandacises.

Mike On June 20, 2017 at 12:43 pm

Wandacises! Can we patent that and put together an infomercial?

Don Horvath On June 20, 2017 at 2:27 pm

Mike: It was all good until I read those parts about you in your yoga tights. I almost dropped my giro and fries.

It brought back memories of the physical education requirements at U of I. Ron Geimer and I prudently chose to fill our P.E. requirement by taking yoga classes and yes, the class was all women and the two of us. What could be better.

Benita Black On June 21, 2017 at 1:15 pm

Very cute and perceptive observations. Love how you never take yourself seriously, while being an essentially serious person. Oh, and I too flaunt an abundance of deeply discounted weirdly colored exercise clothes. 🙂

Gretchen Livingston On June 21, 2017 at 3:10 pm

I don’t usually make plugs like this one, but your post covering yoga and beer made me think of our favorite Evanston brewery, Temperance, which has a delightful tasting room with a large deck outside. They host monthy yoga sessions, followed by beer! It sounds right up your alley Mike. I haven’t managed to make the yoga yet, but I drink plenty of beer there. here’s a link–just scroll down for yoga info.

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