You might recall a post our guest blogger Ali Krage wrote in 2016 explaining how college students who are blind can figure out how to get around a new campus without being able to see. Ali must have mastered that very well — today she is heading back to DeKalb for her final semester. Here she is with a guest post highlighting what just may be the most valuable things she’s learned from her college experience.
by Alicia Krage

Photo by Dolores Pantaleone
Recently when we were talking about my goal of trying new things and going to more campus events this semester, someone said something interesting that resonated with me long after it was said: “People are scared to do things even when they can see. And then if you add your situation on top of that, it does make it a little more challenging. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do those things.”
This is my last semester at Northern Illinois University, and those words made me think of college as a whole and left me reflecting on my entire college experience.
I’ve had challenges because of my blindness. Let’s not sugar-coat that. Being blind does make college life a little more challenging. But this isn’t going to be a negative post where I talk about the negative aspects of being a blind college student. Instead, I want to do just the opposite. In this post I’ll look at the positives, the things I’ve learned. And who knows? Maybe there’ll be things you haven’t thought of!
- I learned a lot about self-reliance. When I was in high school (and even when I was at community college at College of DuPage) I was able to visit the campus before classes even started to get oriented. At Northern Illinois University (NIU), I have never had that luxury. The campus is a bit of a commute from my hometown for something like that, and orientation and mobility (O&M) isn’t provided by NIU’s Disability Resource Center. That means I have had to learne the routes to my classes by showing up early enough to wander the buildings myself. On the occasion I wasn’t able to show up early enough, I had to ask for directions and focus on exactly where I was, what turns I was making, and so on. Eventually I was able to memorize the routes.
- I learned to be resourceful. I take the bus from class to class, but sometimes the bus was late. Sometimes I had another obligation with no way to get there. Sometimes I resort to asking friends, but often times I just use Uber. My friends have their own schedule. Why should they go out of their way to lead me somewhere when I could find other ways of doing it? I learned to use other resources.
- I learned a lot about patience. This is still a work in progress. I am not the most patient person — I’ll admit that. But being in college has taught me that, as a blind person, I spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for the bus, waiting for someone to ask someone else where a certain room is, waiting for an Uber, waiting to receive my list of accommodations for my professors. Things take time, and I learned early on that I needed to accept that.
- I learned not to rely on people too much…because they can’t always be there. I don’t mean this in a negative sense, like we don’t talk anymore or anything of the sort. I mean they’ll drop out, switch to another college, or they’ll graduate. I’m starting my last semester with very few people I know. My close friends graduated, Joe doesn’t go to school here anymore, and I lost touch with a lot of friends from past semesters.
- Again, I’ve learned a lot about self-reliance. While I do accept help once in a while, I know not to rely too much on it. When Joe went to school with me while we were still together, he helped me navigate the residence hall. My friends ran through routes with me when I’d get lost and asked them to teach me an alternative route, and they’d take me off campus to explore sometimes, too.
- I learned that in the end, it’s on me. It’s up to me to do these things, make new friends, and figure it all out.
- I have to work twice as hard. In high school, a teacher told me that as a blind college student, I was going to have to work twice as hard as everyone else. I didn’t know how to take that when I first heard it, but now I know it’s true. I get extended time on tests, I needed tutoring one semester, and sometimes, I need help from the Disability Resource Center just to get assignments done. Let’s be honest. When you can’t see, things take longer.
So yes, being blind can sometimes make it a little more difficult, but it certainly doesn’t make it impossible. I’m very excited to be going back to school and making the most of my very last semester.
Thank you for sharing your college experiences. Determination and perseverance! I think college is all about learning and practicing life skills. You certainly have learned and practiced many according to this article. Enjoy your last semester! I look forward to reading the next chapter!
Your personal journey is inspiring, Ali! Good luck with school!
Thank you! I look forward to many new experiences!
Good luck this year and thanks for your well written post!
I always love Ali’s blogs. This one was particularly interesting as I used to think Joe was constantly with her. That she’s had to deal with problems on her own is very revealing and I admire her perseverance.
Joe and I went to school together for a few years (from 2016 to 2018). I went to school alone last year. He is no longer in the picture. Learning to be more independent and self-reliant is a challenge but definitely feels great!
Ali, grab the tiger by the tail and hold on tight. The ride is worth it. Your list of challenges and the way you have faced them reminds me that there are two kinds of blindness. You may have one of them, but you certainly don’t have the other one. Being without sight is one, being without vision is the other. You inspire all of us with your words of wisdom. Even an old guy like be can take heart and learn from what you have outlined here. Wishing you a most successful year at NIU.
I meant an old an old guy like “me” rather than “be.” Mea culpa.
Ali: Thank you for sharing your experiences. Your wisdom is for all of us – be patient, depend on yourself, be resourceful, be grateful. I am 79 and am learning from you.
Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind words and thoughtful comments on this post. I appreciate reading all the feedback!
[…] guest blogger Ali Krage is on a role! In the post she wrote about returning for her last semester at Northern Illinois University (NIU), she talked about the challenges and rewards of being in […]
[…] generously agreed to write a post describing what that feels like. You might remember Ali from a post she wrote for us during her last semester summing up what it was like to attend Northern Illinois University without being able to […]
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