A week ago today I had a short one-on-one conversation with George R.R. Martin. He’s the guy who wrote the book Game of Thrones. And yes, the conversation was quite short. But still….

That’s me standing on the left; my friend Heidrun is sitting in front of me. If you look hard, Whitney’s in there, too. Oh, and George is there in the middle.
The back story: last Thursday the Chicago Public Library and Chicago Public Library Foundation honored George R.R. Martin with their Carl Sandburg Literary Award, and I was one of 85 authors with ties to Chicago to be invited to the ceremony.
I thought it’d be a somewhat small affair, but more than 900 civic, cultural and business leaders were there to celebrate and support Chicago’s public library. Eighty-five tables, and one Chicago-tied author was seated at each one. The group at my table were all from the Chicago Community Trust, an organization that had sponsored a bunch of cultural events during the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Thanks in large part to the Chicago Community Trust, I experienced many, many cultural events in 2015 (like architectural tours of Frank Lloyd Wright homes and visits to art museums) I might not have tried otherwise. We had a lot to talk about!
George R.R. Martin was available for photos after the ceremony, but only if you came in a group of 8. My friend Heidrun Downing was with me, and we glommed on to a group of six strangers to wait in line.
Once told it was our turn, I commanded, “Whitney, forward!” Sure enough, Whitney led us right to George R.R. Martin’s knee. The conversation went like this:
- Beth: George, do you like dogs?
- George: Well, um, they’re okay. I’m more of a cat person, though, really.
- Beth: Oh, well, let me get her to lie down so she won’t get in your way. “Whitney, down!”
- Whitney refuses to lie down.
- Beth: Oh, sorry. Let me try again. She’s getting old and tired of her job – she’ll be retiring in December.
- George: What happens to them when they retire? Will you keep her?
- Beth: Well, I could bring her back to the Seeing Eye and they’ll find someone to take her, I could find a friend to take her, or I could keep her, but I live in a highrise, and…
- Photographer: Okay, okay, everyone look this way — smile!
And there you have it. My moment of Zen. The event was elegant from beginning to end, and those of you old enough to appreciate author James Thurber will understand when I describe the entire evening this way: a Walter Mitty experience.
PS: National Public Radio host Scott Simon was at the event as well — he was the one who interviewed George R R Martin on stage. I would have loved to have a conversation with him about his Weekend Edition Saturday show on NPR, mention my availability for an interview, hand him a copy of Writing Out Loud, that sort of thing. But alas, after the ceremony Scott was nowhere to be found. I forgive him for not seeking Whitney and me out, though. I found out later he must have had to leave early to put together a spot he was doing with my favorite young Chicago ssports announcer. You can watch Scott Simon’s wonderful piece about Jason Benetti here, and when you’re done with that, Scott Simon’s candid interview with my new friend George is available on YouTube, too.
Hi Beth, I was so proud and happy to see you on the stage with other Chicago-affliliated writers. I tried to find you during the dinner, walking up and down the aisles and trying to spy Whitney. Alas, I never did. Sorry we didn’t get to say hello. I’m glad you got to have a few words with Mr. Martin. My boys would be so jealous, GOT zealots that they are!
Oh, Mary, I wondered what had happened that we didn’t connect. Whitney was so well-behaved during dinner that she spent the entire time hidden beneath our table — and likely snatching up bits of crumbs and such that fell onto the floor. That explains why you didn’t spot her. Thanks for the fun comment here, I bet your boys were envious of you, too, even being in the same room with George.
You ROCK!!!
I try!
That is so cool! What an awesome experience!
Yes, it was awesome. So many published authors — and so many bookworms — all in one place.
George went to Northwestern’s journalism school the same year I did! (Class of 1970. Alas, I never met him. Loved hearing about your experience.
And I love hearing from you, Diana — thanks for commenting here! From some of the things George said during his interview last week, I got the idea that perhaps he didn’t show up for journalism class very regularly…?!
A Walter Mitty experience. Does that mean it was all in your imagination? But it can’t have been. There is photographic proof.
Well, the way I think of Walter Mitty is a person who imagines their life is full of excitement and adventures when it is in fact just ordinary So a week ago Thursday, my life was full of adventure –so many authors, so much good food and wine, oo la la!.
Yeah Beth! How exciting! You are drifting from one celebrity event to the next…. YOU are the celebrity! Thank you, it is fun to join in.
You’re welcome, Annelore. Fun to have you along, too!
Beth enjoyed this post, impressive to meet Game of Thrones author! Love your writing and experiences. Best.
Diane, how flattering to hear you follow these blog posts of ours. Thank you — I still remember that fun drive with Emily Wolfson Inman, just can’t recall where it was we were off to that day!Also flattering to be in cluded in this group of 85 Chicago authors invited to the Chicago Public Library Foundation award ceremony, and fun to tell Game of Thrones fanatics that I met George!
Beth: You surprise every week. Keep those surprises coming! You are one amazing woman.
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