Mondays with Mike: All fall down

February 17, 2020 • Posted in Uncategorized by

Luna, Beth’s new dog, is a gem. She doesn’t wake us up at 5:30 to eat (which is when Whitney used to wake us up). She stays out of the kitchen. She likes to play fetch. She only poops once a day. She walks really fast.

Photo of Beth and her black Lab.

That big red coat provided a nice cushion.

And sometimes too fast.

I know this because I’ve been on a ton of walks with Beth and Luna since they got home from The Seeing Eye. And I can barely keep up. Our pal Laura witnessed it first-hand this past weekend when we took a walk downtown. She and I also witnessed Beth taking a scary, headlong fall. Beth was wearing a big puffy coat, and that helped ensure there was no harm. But it’s a very difficult thing to watch.

Or to think about, if you’re me. I try not to think about the perils Beth faces in everyday life. Mostly I’m OK, and manage not to dwell. But this past few months, as we retired Whitney, I’ve been more attuned to Beth’s vulnerabilities. To how remarkable she is to live the full life she does.

And so, I was vociferous in suggesting to Beth that she needed to learn to slow Luna down. (Especially after a snowfall.)

Beth took it to heart. And yesterday, before we headed out to the gym where Beth swims and I work out, Beth put a thing called the Gentle Leader on Luna’s snout. The Gentle Leader makes it easy for Beth to provide Luna a reminder to focus on what’s ahead when they encounter distractions like other dogs. It also slows Luna’s pace.

And as we walked east on Harrison yesterday, our usual route, Luna indeed walked at much more relaxed pace.

Things were going fine and then I noticed Luna and Beth veering left a little. Then I noticed that Luna was trying to route around a big, snaking pavement crack. Then I kind of froze up before saying, “there’s a crack!” By that time Beth was nearly horizontal on the way to the pavement.

There was an awful thud. And a combination scream/groan from Beth who wisely laid in place to take stock. Her knees hurt. Her wrist hurt. A pizza delivery guy who witnessed it pulled over to ask whether we needed help.

Beth was eventually able to rise to her feet with my help. We turned around to head home. I tended to her left knee, which was bruised and slightly bloodied, but overall, OK. The other one was fine.

We iced her wrist, and at first Beth had hope that that’s all that would be required.

Today, not so much. She’ll be going to the doctor and we’re expecting bad news. But it’s not her dog harness hand, so Beth expects not to miss a beat teaching classes.

Still. It’s hard sometimes, for both of us. In the universal kind of tug of war that life partners tend to have, I worry too much sometimes and Beth doesn’t worry enough. Or, we worry about different things.

And I’m left wondering if I’d just shut my trap about how fast Luna was going, maybe the second fall doesn’t happen,

On the other hand, Beth did everything right—the Gentle Leader did make sense.

And I’m reminded, once again, that despite all precautions and intentions, bad things can happen to really good people.

Susanne Fairfax On February 17, 2020 at 11:53 am

sending healing and safety thoughts to you both. Hoping for a fruitful doctors visit with good prognosis. Our world should be easier to navigate in so many ways. Thank you for this “ In the universal kind of tug of war that life partners tend to have, I worry too much sometimes and Beth doesn’t worry enough. Or, we worry about different things.” – so perfectly worded. Beth I miss hanging with you in our Diversity Committee. XO

Marsha On February 17, 2020 at 11:57 am

Oh no!! Sounded like a scary moment. Take care and keeps us posted on how you are doing!

That Jim Neill On February 17, 2020 at 12:09 pm

Oh dear: thoughts and thoughts. Please take care: we are all approaching middle age.

mknezo2014 On February 18, 2020 at 4:01 pm

Approaching? ha

Jane Hertenstein On February 17, 2020 at 12:17 pm

so sorry to read this, the learning curve in adjusting to a new dog–and the terrible sidewalks

Jean Thompson On February 17, 2020 at 12:19 pm

I hear and feel you re: falls. Scary things. I am in week two of recovery from knee replacement surgery. It’s a trip, in all senses of the word. Hope wrist is not too bad, let’s all try to stay upright.

mknezo2014 On February 18, 2020 at 4:01 pm

People always love their new knees…after awhile, that is. Good luck.

NancyB On February 17, 2020 at 12:20 pm

As our good buddy Wanda would say, “Hugs all around”. Love you guys and hope all is well and that the hand, knee, and all parts heal soon. Can’t wait to see Luna. She sounds like a real champ!

Sheila A. Donovan On February 17, 2020 at 12:36 pm

So sorry to hear about Beth’s fall. Glad she’s being checked out by her doctor. Hope she get’s good news from the doc!

Marilee On February 17, 2020 at 12:40 pm

Oh my!! Just not fair. I hope healing goes smoothly and I hope Speedo is ok too. Big hugs for all.

Audrey Mitchell On February 17, 2020 at 1:07 pm

Oh My, I wish there was something I can do. I understand that Luna must do her job and I’m sure as time goes on, she will learn to do a better one. Good thoughts are coming your way.

mknezo2014 On February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Hi Audrey, Beth wanted me to be sure to let you know that Luna hadn’t screwed up. In fact she was trying to get Beth away from the dreaded crack and was going at an easy pace. It was just freak thing where Beth caught the sider of her foot and kind of went over like tree.

fancy nisher On February 17, 2020 at 1:16 pm

So sorry about Beth’s fall. New pups have such great energy – glad the attitude is great – as usual! Here is to quick healing and Luna at a regular pace!

Linda Miller On February 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm

Sorry to hear this. Hope the news is good, and Beth’s recovery is as painless as possible!

Mel Theobald On February 17, 2020 at 2:03 pm

Wishing Beth all the best news from the doc. I’ve been away for several weeks and didn’t know Speedo had become Luna. Look forward to meeting her someday. I have no doubt that Beth’s bravery and unwavering tenacity will overcome all those obstacles you describe. Thanks Mike for keeping us informed and being there at that scary moment. Good vibes to both of you.

Jenny Fischer On February 17, 2020 at 2:29 pm

Oh Beth! Surely a broken wrist was not part of the plan. I’m so sorry and wish you a speedy recovery!

iliana On February 17, 2020 at 5:08 pm

Oh no! I hope the doctor has good news for you. So much love and care in this post. Hugs!

Bev On February 17, 2020 at 6:15 pm

This was hard to read. Hope the wrist is ok.

Hava Hegenbarth On February 17, 2020 at 7:57 pm

Oh dear! I hope you’re not badly hurt.

Heidi Reeves On February 19, 2020 at 10:57 am

Oh my goodness, I am just seeing this…you are in my thoughts as well as Luna…take care.

Tara M Waysok On February 19, 2020 at 12:28 pm

So sorry to hear! Big hugs to Beth!

Nancy Faust On February 22, 2020 at 3:42 pm

My heart sank . Please update us when possible.
Another friend fell while dog -walking
a few days back . Her wrist is broken.
Yes indeed, good and bad things happen to the best people.

mknezo2014 On February 23, 2020 at 11:13 am

Donkeys happen to good people! Wish we could make it out again this year. But man, was that fun. Best to all.

Deborah Darsie On February 22, 2020 at 11:03 pm

Oh dear!
The adventures of Beth & Speedo (ahem…Luna), have been a little too exciting!
Luna sounds like a smart pup, she will learn to adjust their trajectory a little earlier as time goes on.

I hope your dignity has recovered…and the wrist recovering well.

mknezo2014 On February 23, 2020 at 11:12 am

Luna’s fantastic, and we’ll be OK. I think:)

Nancy Mittleman On February 25, 2020 at 7:35 pm

Oh no!! I grimaced the whole time while reading this, knowing from the title it was not going to end well. And the description of “an awful thud” and “a combination scream/groan” elicited a combination scream/groan of my own. Heal quickly Beth!!!

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