Archive for the “baseball” Category

Full, creative, and pleasurable

October 16, 201517 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, parenting a child with special needs, public speaking, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

It’s been a very happy week here in Chicago. Ours started last Friday, when Mike and I took an el to Schaller’s Pump on the South Side to watch a playoff game. Schaller’s Pump has been at 37th and Halsted since 1876, and from Mike’s description it hasn’t changed much since then. The bar is […]

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I know what a slider is at White Castle, but…

October 4, 201518 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, Mike Knezovich, radio, Uncategorized, writing

I’ve learned a lot about baseball from my husband Mike Knezovich over the years, but one aspect of the game that still confounds me is pitching. Which direction do curve balls curve? What’s the difference between a slider and a cutter? Thanks to our generous friends Don Horvath and Juli Crabtree, we were able to […]

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