Archive for the “Beth Finke” Category

My first in-person book event since you-know-what started in 2020.

March 2, 20221 CommentPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, memoir writing

The original South Loop Neighbors Authors Night was cancelled due to a Chicago snowstorm, and the kind folks at Half Sour are welcoming us tonight. With covid numbers continuing to “retreat” now, we’re hoping more people will feel comfortable attending. I and three other local authors will make presentations starting at 7:00 p.m. The presentations will be […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Wonderful Andrea

March 6, 202116 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, technology for people who are blind

I am pleased to introduce Andrea Kelton as our Saturdays with Seniors guest blogger today. A retired educator, Andrea has been in the “Me, Myself and I” memoir class at the Chicago Cultural Center for 15 years (another longtime writer in Andrea’s class, Sharon Kramer, has generously volunteered to lead that class via Zoom now). […]

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Why Learn to Use a White Cane before You Get a Seeing Eye Dog?

October 15, 20209 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, public speaking, questions kids ask, technology for people who are blind, visiting schools

Did you know that today, October 15, is National White Cane Safety Day? Me, neither. Not until the supervisor at my job moderating the National Easterseals blog pointed it out to me. I was glad she did, because it got me reminiscing about a school visit I especially enjoyed at Eastview Elementary School in Algonquin, […]

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