Archive for the “Beth Finke” Category

The End of "The Story"

October 18, 20096 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, radio, Uncategorized, writing

The good news: My interview with Dick Gordon on NPR’s The Story aired all over the country last week. The bad news: It didn’t air here in Chicago. Chicago Public Radio held its pledge drive last week; my interview was bumped so that WBEZ personalities like Ira Glass could cut in and ask listeners to […]

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Thanks to Eunice

August 14, 20092 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, Uncategorized

Eunice Kennedy Shriver was buried today. An advocate for people with physical and developmental disabilities, Shriver was a co-founder of the Special Olympics, an organization that means a lot to people at Easter Seals. I guess I don’t talk very much about my part-time job at Easter Seals Headquarters, huh? I’m the Interactive Community Coordinator […]

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The Rest of the Stories

August 7, 20094 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Uncategorized

This seemed like a good week to tie up loose ends from previous blog posts… My post about driving a 2010 Ford Mustang got more hits than any other post I’ve published here. Now Roger Keeney, the blind man who won the ‘10 Unleashed contest in the first place, is getting some mainstream press, too. […]

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