Archive for the “Beth Finke” Category

Happy Hanni-kah

December 3, 20072 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, Uncategorized

Today was the very first time I’ve given a children’s book presentation in a bookstore while enjoying a glass of wine. The Book Cellar lives up to its name. Get it? Book CELLAR? They sell books, and they sell wine. It’s my kind of store. And the crowd was my kind of crowd: co-workers, students […]

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Walking on Air

November 14, 200710 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, radio, Uncategorized

Hanni and I were interviewed on a radio show called “Walking on Air” today. The show’s title turned out to be the theme for the rest of the afternoon. I checked my email once Hanni and I got home from the radio interview. Dee ding! A message! I opened it. For a moment I thought […]

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