Archive for the “Beth Finke” Category

Sit, Stay, Read

November 11, 20074 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

It’s official. Hanni and I are dogblog maivens. Another dogblogger blogged about us today. Here’s the skinny: A woman named Mary Ellen was at the presentation Hanni and I gave earlier today at the Old Orchard Barnes & Noble in Skokie, Illinois. Turns out Mary Ellen is the Executive Director and co-founder of “Sit Stay Read! […]

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Champaign Bubbles

November 4, 20073 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, Braille, travel, Uncategorized

Hanni’s breed may have been important to the Amtrak reservation agent last week (see my previous post) but my fellow passengers Thursday night couldn’t have cared less. The City of New Orleans train was sold out. Everyone was more interested in finding a place to sit than checking out the dog at my feet. The […]

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