Pops rocks
June 15, 2014 • 11 Comments • Posted in Beth Finke, blindness, memoir writing, public speaking, Uncategorized, writingA writer in one of the memoir classes I lead will be on stage reading a piece at Goodman Theatre in Chicago.
A writer in one of the memoir classes I lead will be on stage reading a piece at Goodman Theatre in Chicago.
Beth mentioned last week that we would be heading on Sunday to the Lagunitas Beer Circus to meet up with her nephew Brian. Well, we did. We have photographic evidence, supplied here. Brian was a duly proud host and he took pains to take care of us, even though he was working. It was a […]
A strange feeling followed me around last week. Like there was something I was forgetting. Finally, on Friday, during my morning walk to work, it sort of tapped me on the shoulder—for no reason I took my phone out and looked at the date. April 25. Exactly one year since the benign tumor on Beth’s […]
Let’s start with this: A hammer is technology. How you use it is what counts. Hit a nail. Good. Hit a person. Not so good. I say this because I’m about to venture into the realm of cranky person complaining about technology.
This week brought some good news in the Finke extended family: Ella, who had been born to Beth’s niece Stacey and her husband Ryan prematurely, came home after a stay in neonatal intensive care. In this day and age, one can say, “No big deal.” After all, preemies are common, we have folks scheduling births […]