Archive for the “Beth Finke” Category

What was this post supposed to be about again? Oh, yeah

February 26, 20134 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, memoir writing, Uncategorized, writing

Two of the memoir-writing classes I lead each week are sponsored by Lincoln Park Village, a non-profit organized by older adults who want to age at home. The Village boasts over 300 members, and its classes — everything from meditation to a “boot camp” that enhances memory  —  meet in people’s homes. To kick off the […]

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Worst in show

February 12, 201320 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, guest blog, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized

It’s guest post time again. Here’s my husband Mike Knezovich. It’s Westminster Dog Show time — bringing infinite Facebook posts of mugshots of canine contestants, and, for those of us who love that kind of thing, internal laughs just thinking about the movie spoof set at this annual event, “Best in Show.” (Best line from […]

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