Archive for the “blindness” Category

Library love

October 15, 201011 CommentsPosted in blindness, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, writing

Seems like Hanni and I had just returned home from that Youth Festival in Champaign when we found ourselves boarding a train again Monday morning. This time, our destination was Glencoe, IL. Librarian Melissa Henderson met us at the train station and led us to a local coffee shop for a snack before our morning […]

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Cheers, Susan Ohde from Chicago!

October 13, 20105 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, Uncategorized

This sweet Letter to the Editor appeared in last Sunday’s Chicago Tribune. Love of life I enjoyed Beth Finke’s essay about Nancy Faust (“As the pipe organ melodies fade away,” Commentary, Sept. 28). Nancy must have been flattered to hear such praise from someone who relies on her music to stay in the game. Nancy […]

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Feelin’ stronger every day

October 10, 201014 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools

Whew! That Youth Literature Festival put on by the College of Education at the University of Illinois the past few days sure kept us busy. Hanni and I visited four classrooms Thursday, three classrooms Friday, and then attended an oo-la-la reception for guest authors Friday night. To cap off the festival, we gave two presentations […]

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Never Can Say Goodbye

October 4, 201012 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, Uncategorized

There were so many fans surrounding Nancy Faust’s booth at her final game yesterday that the White Sox had to provide a bouncer. “She’ll visit with fans and sign autographs after the game,” he told us. “But she specifically asked us to stop by” “Are you a friend of hers?” I hesitated. Thought about it […]

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