Archive for the “blindness” Category

Going with the Flo

September 26, 201014 CommentsPosted in blindness, Flo, Uncategorized

Back in 1985, a social worker predicted my first couple years of blindness would be like going through adolescence all over again. “It’ll be just like you’re a teenager,” she said. “You’ll be worried about how you look, and you’ll do everything you can to fit in with your friends.” She told me to be […]

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We fancy Nancy

September 17, 201011 CommentsPosted in baseball, Beth Finke, blindness, Uncategorized

Sox fans will miss you Nancy, and so will MLB.   My visit to White Sox Park tomorrow is going to be bittersweet. Not because of the team – they actually did better than I expected this year. It’s because of the organist. This is Nancy Faust’s last year at the pipe organ, and tomorrow’s […]

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