Archive for the “blindness” Category

Married to someone who’s blind

July 9, 201031 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, Mike Knezovich, Uncategorized, writing

Mike is having out-patient surgery this Wednesday. We’ll walk to the hospital together, I’ll stay during the surgery, and once the staff says Mike’s fine to go I’ll walk outside with him and we’ll catch a cab home. That was the plan, at least. But then Mike’s “Patient Information after Surgery” sheet came in the […]

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Using Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound in the classroom

June 25, 20109 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Braille, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, visiting schools, Writing for Children

This afternoon I’m giving a presentation to school teachers attending the Sandberg Literacy Institute at University of Toledo. Part of my job is to give them ideas of how to use Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound in the classroom. I figured heck, as long as I’m gathering resources to share with these teachers this […]

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