Archive for the “blindness” Category

Classy participation

March 7, 201012 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, radio, Uncategorized, writing, Writing for Children

Some teachers struggle to get students to take part in class. Not me. My blindness sometimes makes class participation necessary. I take advantage of that. Take the How to Get a Children’s Book Published session I gave this morning, for example. My publisher at Blue Marlin Publications generously provided me with handouts she uses during […]

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Close your eyes and shoot

February 21, 201010 CommentsPosted in blindness, Uncategorized, writing

After hearing that my great-niece Anita had been invited to compete in a high school girl’s three-point tournament, I dug up an story about Matt Steven, a blind teenager who shoots free throws for his high school team. Matt’s older brother Joe coaches the team, and he stands under the hoop to rap a […]

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