Archive for the “blindness” Category

Getting fancy with our presentations now

April 19, 20182 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, visiting schools

Hello from Champaign, Illinois! Whitney and I are doing our annual presentation for an animal sciences class at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign today, but this time, we’re adding a special video. From an email I sent to the teacher: Mike put a Hero GoPro (is that what they’re called?) on Whitney to videotape her […]

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7 ways it’s pretty cool to be in a class where no one –not even the teacher –can see

April 6, 201813 CommentsPosted in blindness, technology for people who are blind

Everyone leaves your Seeing Eye dog alone. Teacher knows material first-hand. People listen to you. When post-lunch fatigue sets in, you can lean back, close your eyes, put your feet up on the desk and still listen. No dress code. When the heat gets too high in the room, you can strip down to your […]

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