Archive for the “blindness” Category

Mondays with Mike: I see black people

November 24, 201411 CommentsPosted in blindness, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, parenting a child with special needs, politics, Uncategorized

Most of the time I walk the mile-and-a-quarter to and from work. But when the weather here in Chicago turns extreme, or I’m running late, I take the Red Line subway. The Red Line runs from the South Side, through Chinatown, to the North Side, so the cars are full of human diversity. White people, […]

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Quiz show

November 20, 201424 CommentsPosted in blindness, memoir writing, public speaking, questions kids ask, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools

Last Thursday I spoke to a U of I class in Champaign. Monday morning I spoke with second graders at Chicago’s Francis Xavier Warde School. Yesterday I spoke to visually-impaired adults at Blind Service Association. Each of these three presentations ended with a Q&A, which lead’s me to today’s quiz. Tell me if the following […]

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Back to school

November 8, 201433 CommentsPosted in blindness, Braille, public speaking, questions kids ask, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized, visiting schools

I practiced with Whitney ahead of time, so when the Dukes of Distinction presentation started Thursday night, we knew exactly what to do: follow fellow distinguished alum Dr. Robert Chen (“I go by Bob, he said when we were introduced) down the red carpet, stop when Bob stops, and pivot 90 degrees to the left […]

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