Archive for the “Braille” Category


April 27, 20127 CommentsPosted in baseball, Braille, Flo, Uncategorized

My niece Jen and her husband Brian are flying in from Orlando later this morning to stay with us over the weekend. You might remember these two from a post I wrote last year when my previous Seeing Eye dog, the heroic Harper, helped me officiate Jen and Brian’s wedding. Jen and Brian will be […]

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Missing: 30 million words

March 18, 201214 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Blogroll, Braille, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

As a kid, spending three days with a bunch of schoolteachers would have sounded like the ultimate form of punishment. I guess wisdom really does come with age — when the Illinois Reading Council contacted me last Fall to see if I’d be interested in coming to their annual conference and spend time with thousands […]

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Puppy love

March 14, 201211 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, Braille, parenting a child with special needs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

On Monday morning Whitney and I caught a commuter train to Easter Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region to visit the Lily Garden Child Care Center, a preschool and child care program that mixes classes up with kids with and without disabilities. The center is working on a new project this year that features […]

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A toast to talking books and to libraries

February 13, 201218 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Braille, Flo, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, travel, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, writing

February is Love Your Library month, and I’m celebrating in style: I’m in New Orleans with Mike and Whitney, and tomorrow morning I’m the guest storyteller at the Milton H. Latter Memorial Branch of the New Orleans Public Library. I am, and have always been, a huge fan of books and libraries. I am among millions […]

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Generations united

January 30, 201210 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Braille, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Check this out: Mrs. Walsh’s first-graders made a book to thank me for visiting their school with Whitney last month. When the book arrived in the mail I knew right away who I’d enlist to read it out loud to me. A number of the seniors in the Wednesday memoir-writing class I lead are retired Chicago […]

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