Archive for the “Braille” Category

How are Hanni’s dreams?

April 8, 20106 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, book tour, Braille, guide dogs, public speaking, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools, Writing for Children

How are Hanni’s dreams? That question was my favorite of all the ones asked during this week’s school visits to Long Island. And trust me, there was lots of competition. Runners up: Do newspapers come out in Braille? I know we can’t pet Hanni when her harness is on, but can you? Are all Seeing […]

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Ella Jenkins

March 18, 201011 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, Braille, Uncategorized

When Hanni and I showed up to do a session at the bring books to life Book Fair last night, we were told that Grammy-award winner Ella Jenkins had confirmed with the Chicago Children’s Museum at the very last minute. “Do you mind sharing your presentation space with her?” Mind? You gotta be kidding. It […]

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