Archive for the “careers/jobs for people who are blind” Category

Maine so far

July 8, 201713 CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, politics, radio, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, writing

Hello from our little inn in Lubec, Maine. We won’t be heading across the river to the Iota: The Conference of Short Prose at Roosevelt Campobello International Park until later this morning, but in the short 24 hours we’ve been here I already have a lot to write about. A worker at our gate at […]

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Every week is a history lesson

July 4, 20178 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, politics, teaching memoir, writing prompts

Two of the “What My Parents Believed” essays read out loud at our Printers Row memoir class last week seemed perfect for a Fourth of July post, and writers Robert and Maggy generously agreed to let me share excerpts from each of their essays here. Three cheers for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Robert’s […]

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Medicaid is her lifeline

June 25, 20176 CommentsPosted in Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, politics

In addition to leading weekly memoir-writing classes for older adults, I work part-time moderating a blog for Easterseals National Headquarters here in Chicago. For the past couple of weeks we’ve been publishing posts on the Easterseals blog written by people with disabilities who count on Medicaid to help them pay for everything from personal care […]

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Quick! Name the only protected park in the world managed by two countries

June 23, 201711 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, travel, writing

Two weeks from now I’ll be flying to New England to write in the surroundings of a national park in Maine. Or should I say, in Canada? I am one of a handful of writers accepted to Iota: The Conference of Short Prose at Roosevelt Campobello International Park this year. The schedule they sent with […]

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