Archive for the “careers/jobs for people who are blind” Category

Putting life back together

August 6, 201215 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

A screen reader called JAWS lets me use a computer to read and write, and when power user Sue Martin generously donated a series of her JAWS refresher classes to this year’s auction benefitting the Seeing Eye, , I bid on it – and won! Sue lost her sight when she was 26, and she […]

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From jazz camp to sports camp

August 3, 201212 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, Uncategorized

My job at Easter Seals Headquarters just started a program called Outside In that gives employees up to one week of on-the-clock (paid!) time to volunteer for another non-profit organization. The idea is to learn what’s going on “outside” of Easter Seals and bring ideas from the experience back “in.” One of my co-workers used […]

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I think the prize should really be a free night in a fancy hotel…

June 30, 20129 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

Without being able to drive, I’ve always thought that blind people who use guide dogs — especially those of us who live in big cities — must walk more than the average person does. Now I have a chance to prove it. Some of you blog readers know I have a part-time job at Easter […]

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It's all in the mind's eye

June 17, 201212 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, Uncategorized

I am not the only blind woman in America who keeps a blog – not by a long shot. Fellow blogger Becky Andrews is blind from Retinitis Pigmentosa, and her Cruisin’ with Cricket blogfollows her life as a business owner, director, and licensed professional counselor at Resilient Solutions, an office of ten therapists in Utah. […]

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