Archive for the “guide dogs” Category

Mondays with Mike: Be sure to vote today for the Seeing Eye by 11:59 ET

October 22, 20184 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

One thing I never, ever, ever take for granted is how much each of Beth’s Seeing Eye dogs has meant to Beth and to us. I still remember the days when Beth struggled to hone her cane skills—it was a real struggle for both of us. I constantly worried, she didn’t get around as independently […]

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Can your dog read Braille?

October 20, 201810 CommentsPosted in blindness, Braille, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Whitney and I took a commuter train to Deerfield, Illinois Thursday to talk with third graders at Wilmot Elementary about what it’s like to be blind and get around with a Seeing Eye dog. I started by explaining the three rules Wilmot students should keep in mind if they happen to see a guide dog […]

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The day I went to the goat farm

October 14, 2018CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

Four weeks ago today I was eating cheese and petting goats on a beautiful, warm, sunny afternoon in central Illinois. I’ve written here before about Marcel’s Culinary Experience, the culinary retail store and cooking school my childhood friend Jill Foucré opened in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The success of Marcel’s inspired her to open Marché, an […]

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Guest post by Regan Burke: Writing the Body

September 12, 20185 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, guide dogs, memoir writing, public speaking, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind, writing

What fun it was to be interviewed in front of an audience by my friend and fellow memoir-writer Regan Burke last Friday. Here’s an account of the evening from her, well, point of view. Last Friday night Beth and I participated in an event called “Body Language—Reading and Discussions about Writing the Body.” The event […]

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