Archive for the “guide dogs” Category

Mondays with Mike: Happy birthday Gus, Harley, and Davidson

September 3, 20188 CommentsPosted in guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, travel

Greetings from Milwaukee, where Beth, Whitney, and I have just boarded Amtrak’s Hiawatha, which will begin rolling toward Chicago any minute now. We had a good visit with our son Gus at his group home in Wisconsin in a town called Watertown. The home is operated by Bethesda Lutheran Services, and it houses eight  people, […]

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The Seeing Eye weighs in on service dogs and air travel

June 10, 20183 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, politics, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

After receiving so many comments to my Wednesday post about service dogs, I phoned Melissa Allman, Esq,, the Advocacy and Government Relations specialist at Seeing Eye. I thought you blog readers would be interested in seeing what their take is on the plans to amend and clarify regulations implementing the Air Carrier Access Act, and […]

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