Archive for the “guide dogs” Category


October 8, 20148 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools

It’s “Disability Awareness Week” at Wilmot Elementary School in Deerfield, Illinois, and the kids there had already enjoyed a special guest before I showed up there with Whitney yesterday. Melissa Stockwell, a three-time Paratriathlon World Champion and decorated U.S. Army veteran, had been at Wilmot the day before us. Melissa was serving in Baghdad in 2004 when a roadside bomb […]

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All dogs allowed

August 14, 20144 CommentsPosted in guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

So many dog lovers who see me out and about with Whitney stop, sigh, and say, “I wish I could bring my dog with me to the store.” This month, if you live anywhere near Chicago, you finally can! My longtime friend Jenny Foucre Fischer works at The Bookstore in Glen Ellyn, Ill, The store […]

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Mondays with Mike: You may find yourself in a beautiful house…

April 7, 201414 CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

Sunday was dogapalooza in the suburbs. Beth and I and Whitney took the train to Wheaton, where our friends Steven and Nancy, with Hanni in tow all the way from Urbana, picked us up. From there, it was on to Chris and Larry’s, where Hanni, Harper and Whitney—Beth’s last three Seeing Eye dogs—met and rollicked […]

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