Archive for the “guide dogs” Category

When they come out with a new American Girl pub crawl doll, it'll be named "Beth"

October 28, 20129 CommentsPosted in book tour, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting libraries

The Wisconsin Book Festival runs from November 8-11 this year and features Patricia McCormick (a finalist for the National Book Award), Pulitzer Prize winners Richard Russon and David Maraniss, Peabody Award Winner Ben Sidran, Guggenhei Felowship Award Winner Jo Ann Beard, Alex Award Winner Lynda Barry, and ASPCA Henry Berg Award Winner…ME! The theme for this year’s […]

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Designed by Kayla

October 8, 201225 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Braille, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, parenting a child with special needs, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Whitney and I had a ball at the Youth Literature Festival in Champaign last week, and the highlight of the entire event was meeting Kayla, a delightful second grader at Westview Elementary School. I usually don’t let kids pet Whitney when she has her harness on, but this was an exception. Kayla is blind, and she’d […]

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