Archive for the “guide dogs” Category

And now, back to Wanda

January 29, 20207 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, memoir writing, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir

Okay. Only one dog-related reference in this post. Honest. I promise. Because here’s the thing. We are wayyyy overdue on news about Wanda Bridgeforth. If you’ve followed our Safe & Sound blog for a while, you know who Wanda Bridgeforth is: she’s witty, she’s talented, she’s 98 years old, she’s been attending the memoir-writing class […]

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Puppy Profile

January 18, 202020 CommentsPosted in guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs

Seeing Eye puppies are born and bred at the Seeing Eye breeding station in New Jersey. When they are six weeks old, they go to live with a volunteer for a year. Puppy raisers give the dogs affection, teach them basic obedience, and expose them to social situations they might encounter as Seeing Eye dogs. […]

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Not Exactly Intuitive, But…

January 16, 202017 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs

In addition to everyday challenges (trees, parking meters, broken sidewalks, other pedestrians) on our daily walks, we also have to learn to face the challenges of dealing with distracted drivers. Seeing Eye staff members drive vans and quiet cars around while we work our routes to provide us with traffic checks: they intentionally cut in […]

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