Archive for the “guide dogs” Category

My History with Seeing Eye Trainers

January 12, 20209 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs

Our class of 20 blind people is divided into four different groups, each group taught by another certified trainer. My teacher is terrific. After receiving a degree in elementary education at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, she taught kindergarten. During summers she was hired at summer camps for children who had disabilities. […]

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Flying Blind

January 5, 202037 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

Early tomorrow morning, January 6, 2020, I head to O’Hare for a flight to Newark International Airport. There I’ll meet up with guide dog users from all over North America to catch a ride together to Morristown, New Jersey for three weeks training with our new Seeing Eye dogs. This short post will clue you […]

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Wednesdays with Whitney: Happy New Year!

January 1, 20203 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools

Thank you for all your thoughtful responses to our posts about Whitney’s happy retirement in rural Pennsylvania. Thought you might like a quick update from an email message her new/old family sent yesterday. “Having Whitney is giving me the motivation to take walks again, so that’s been good,” reports Elisse, who walks with Whitney every […]

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