Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Luna and I are back on the road and kids still ask the darnedest questions!

March 8, 20251 CommentPosted in Beth Finke, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, memoir writing, public speaking, teaching memoir, visiting libraries, visiting schools, Writing for Children

I’ve been AWOL from the blog for a long while now. That’s owed to a number of things, including some health issues (which have largely resolved). I have managed to continue leading memoir classes, though less frequently, and I’m delighted to report that Luna and I are again visiting schools through the terrific Educating Outside […]

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Questions Kids Ask: Did Anything Scary Ever Happen to You?

January 28, 20245 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, memoir writing, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, visiting schools, writing, Writing for Children

Two days ago our friend Ruth drove my Seeing Eye dog Luna and me to the Admiral At the Lake, a retirement community where I lead memoir-writing classes every Wednesday. I wasn’t there this time to lead a writing class, though: we were there to answer questions from third-graders who attend Goudy Elementary, a Public […]

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A Tribute to Hanna Bratman

December 2, 202311 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, politics, teaching memoir

Earlier this week I got word that Hannelore (Hanna) Bratman, a writer in the memoir-writing class I used to lead at the Chicago Cultural Center, had died Monday, just short of her 104th birthday. Hannelore had age-related macular degeneration and found out about my “Me, Myself and I” writing class decades ago from volunteers who […]

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Senior Class: Al’s Taste of Chicago

September 17, 20237 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing prompts

Good news! Soon all of the memoir-writing classes I lead will be back in session, which means our “Senior Class” feature will be back in full swing, too. I’m getting the ball rolling by introducing Al Hippensteel as our guest blogger today. After a long career in the printing industry, Al retired, appropriately, here in […]

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Senior Class: Back to School with Mel

July 11, 20237 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, politics, teaching memoir

The two memoir-writing classes I lead in person are both starting up again this week after a month-long break. I don’t give writing prompts during breaks, but I encourage writers to write about whatever they’d like and read it at the first class of the new six-week session. Mel Washburn came back with this fast-paced, […]

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