Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Saturdays with Seniors: Bridget’s Ride to Work

July 25, 202014 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, writing prompts

Disclaimer: Today’s Saturdays with Seniors guest blogger, Bridget Hayman, is not a senior. One of the Zoom memoir-writing classes I lead on Thursday afternoons is open to writers of all ages. Bridget is the Director of Communications at Access Living (a leading force in Chicago’s disability advocacy community) and is using her lunch and taking […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Bill Gordon’s Picnic

June 20, 20208 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing prompts

I am pleased to feature Bill Gordon as our Saturdays with Seniors guest blogger today. Born and raised in Kansas, Bill lived all over the country during his nearly 50-year career in library and association management. When he retired in 2002, he was the Executive Director of The American Library Association, located here in Chicago, […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Nancy O’Shea’s ABCs

June 13, 202014 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing prompts

I am pleased to introduce Nancy O’Shea as our featured “Saturdays with Seniors” blogger today. The former Public Relations Director for Chicago’s Field Museum, Nancy also edited the museum’s membership magazine. Now retired, she enjoys taking classes in memoir writing. Lucky for us: we all enjoy hearing her read her essays out loud in class, […]

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