Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Saturdays with Seniors: Bobbie Turner’s West Side Story

June 6, 202015 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, politics

I am pleased to introduce Bobbie Turner as our featured “Saturdays with Seniors” blogger today. A self-taught artist and award-winning educator, Bobbie grew up on Chicago’s West Side, and after graduating with both a BA and an MA from Roosevelt University she taught children in the creative arts in Chicago’s Rockwell-Maplewood area. Bobbie was just […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Guest Post by Gretchen McCann

May 23, 20208 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, writing prompts

I am pleased to introduce Gretchen McCann as our featured “Saturdays with Seniors” blogger today. New to Chicago, Gretchen joined the Thursday memoir class last summer and continues writing — and reading — essays while we meet via Zoom. Born in New England, Gretchen was raised in California, graduated from Berkeley and met her husband, […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Hugh Brodkey’s Virtual Life

May 9, 20205 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, travel

Think people “of a certain age” are not keeping up with current technology? Think again. For weeks now, two of the memoir classes I lead have been running Zoom memoir classes on their own, and now two others — the ones I lead for The Village Chicago — are combining forces to explore if a […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Guest Post by José DiMauro

April 25, 202011 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, travel, writing prompts

I am pleased to introduce José DiMauro as our featured “Saturdays with Seniors” blogger today. Born in Argentina, José graduated from medical school at Univ De Buenos Aires and left home in 1963 to start his medical career at Chicago’s Mercy Hospital., From there he became a board certified pathologist at University of Illinois in […]

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