Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Saturdays with Seniors: Guest Post by Jane Gallagher

April 18, 202016 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, politics

I am pleased to introduce Jane Gallagher as our featured “Saturdays with Seniors” blogger today. A writer in Wanda’s Wednesday “Me, Myself and I” class, Jane is a retired psychiatric nurse, and until the pandemic, she volunteered at O’Hare, assisting passengers getting around the airport. The tales she shares with us in class of growing […]

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And Speaking of Wanda…

March 27, 20208 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind

It has come to my attention that the post I Published yesterday about teaching memoir-writing classes was somewhat garbled at the end – sorry about that! Those of you who missed the stunning ending can read it in its entirety below, and as a bonus to this version, I am including a piece of writing […]

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