Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Hey, Hey, Hey, Hello: my StoryCorps interview with Nancy Faust airs this Friday, March 15

March 13, 20198 CommentsPosted in baseball, blindness, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, radio, travel

Remember when I wrote that post last September about recording a StoryCorps interview with renowned baseball organist Nancy Faust? It’s going to air this Friday morning, March 15, 2019 on WBEZ in Chicago! The timing is perfect: Mike, Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I are flying to Arizona tomorrow to stay with Nancy and Joe […]

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Next thing you know I’ll be running for mayor

March 6, 201929 CommentsPosted in memoir writing, politics, public speaking, teaching memoir, writing

Every year the Cliff Dwellers (a private arts club in Chicago) invites girls from nearby public high schools and their teachers to join them for a special lunch to celebrate International Women’s Day. Last year the keynote speaker for the event was Toni Preckwinkle, one of the two African American women in the upcoming run-off […]

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Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

February 20, 201911 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing

A pair of writers from the memoir-writing classes I lead for The Village Chicago appeared on the national NBC Nightly News broadcast last weekend. Bruce and Anne Hunt started taking memoir-writing classes with me years ago, and now they’re taking singing lessons, too. My friend Colleen and I went to their choir’s holiday concert in December, […]

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