Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Senior Class: Regan Reviews Printers Row Lit Fest

October 1, 20226 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, writing, Writing for Children, writing prompts

Safe & Sound blog readers have been asking me lately if the memoir-writing classes I lead are starting up again now, and, if so, “Will you start publishing essays by your students on your blog again, too? I always like those.” My answers? Yes, and yes! Today is the first of October, I’ll be leading […]

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Come see us at Printer’s Row Lit Fest : We’re presenting a week from today, September 10, at 11 a.m.

September 3, 20226 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, Writing for Children

Mark your calendars: the 37th annual Printers Row Lit Fest is next weekend! This year’s two-day literary extravaganza in Chicago takes place on Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11. The fest features close to 150 presenters, And I’m one of them. Date: Saturday, September 10 Time: 11am to 11:45 a.m. Location: Grace Place (637 […]

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Free Online Class: Unlocking Memories and Uncovering Stories

May 5, 20226 CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, teaching memoir, visiting libraries, Writing for Children, writing prompts

Check out this free online presentation I’m giving next week: Unlocking Memories and Uncovering Stories< Sponsored by the Oak Park Public Library and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Oak Park Illinois Network DATE: Thursday, May 12 TIME: 7 to 8:30 pm central time, Author, journalist and teacher Beth Finke will lead […]

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Senior Class: Armand Makes Every Moment Count

April 27, 20226 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing prompts

The last assignment I gave my memoir-writing classes before we took our spring break was to choose one of the movies nominated for an Oscar for best picture this year an have its title be the title of their essay. “You don’t have to see the movie,” I assured them. “Just use one of the […]

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My first in-person book event since you-know-what started in 2020.

March 2, 20221 CommentPosted in Beth Finke, book tour, memoir writing

The original South Loop Neighbors Authors Night was cancelled due to a Chicago snowstorm, and the kind folks at Half Sour are welcoming us tonight. With covid numbers continuing to “retreat” now, we’re hoping more people will feel comfortable attending. I and three other local authors will make presentations starting at 7:00 p.m. The presentations will be […]

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