Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Happy Birthday, Dave Eggers

March 12, 20176 CommentsPosted in blindness, memoir writing, writing

I subscribe to something called The Writer’s Almanac and wake up every morning to a poem and an email message listing things that went on in the literary world that day in history. Today’s listing includes something about writer and publisher Dave Eggers that I thought worth sharing here. I could still see when I […]

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Guest post: How to stay forever young

March 4, 201711 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, guide dogs, memoir writing, Seeing Eye dogs

I met today’s guest blogger Jeff Flodin when he and his Seeing Eye dog joined our downtown memoir writing class for a few sessions in 2009. Writing has been Jeff’s primary vocation ever since: He is working on a short story collection about vision loss, and a version of this guest post originally appeared on […]

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Just this one Tuesday with Mike: We have liftoff!

February 21, 20173 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike

Thanks to the talent and persistence of Beth’s publisher, Golden Alley Press, the technical glitches have been un-glitched, all the blog posts and you wonderful subscribers have been relocated, and… YOU ARE HERE! And so am I! Pretty nice, ain’t it? We hope you find it easier to find all things Beth—blog, upcoming appearances, etc.—in […]

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