Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Dissatisfied with candidates this year? Vote for Wanda instead

April 13, 20168 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Uncategorized

The writers in the Me, Myself and I class I lead in downtown Chicago entered a contest. If they win, the Lyric Opera of Chicago will help them produce an opera about the class! Only problem? Writers in that class aren’t exactly computer savvy, and to win, they need fans to vote online. That’s where […]

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The writers in my memoir classes all deserve Oscars

March 9, 20166 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing prompts

During Oscars week this year I asked the seniors in the memoir-writing classes I lead to choose a title of one of the films nominated for best picture and use it as the topic for their next essay. The Big Short: Know any short people with big personalities? Any stories about investments? Short circuits? Brooklyn: […]

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That doesn’t mean there's any less love in it

February 12, 201611 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, parenting a child with special needs, Uncategorized

I have a part-time job moderating a blog for Easter Seals National Headquarters, and in honor of Valentine’s Day, Easter Seals HQ is devoting the month of February to stories about “love and relationships.” My mission? Recruit people with disabilities (or those who love or have a relationship with someone who has a disability) to […]

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