Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Can blind people take vacations by themselves?

June 24, 201527 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, travel, Uncategorized, writing

Some people escape to lake houses, some to cabins in the mountains, others to villas overseas. Me? When I want to get away by myself, I splurge on a fancy hotel. What luxury — a plush robe waiting for me, my bed gets made every morning, clean towels magically appear in the bathroom, and when […]

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Maps, memoir and food: Northwestern Summer Writers' Conference

June 12, 20158 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Uncategorized, writing

Hey, it’s time to sign up for the 2015 Northwestern Summer Writers’ Conference, a three-day institute at the end of July that’s dedicated to the creation and revision of novels, short stories, nonfiction, and poetry. From their web site: The program is tailored to writers of all genres, backgrounds, and levels of experience, and welcomes […]

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Does your dog have a dad?

May 28, 20156 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools

A writer in the Monday memoir-writing class I lead grew up in Germany, came to America through a study abroad program at Vassar, and stayed. Brigitte has retired from a career in academia now, and twice a week she volunteers in a third-grade class at a Chicago Public School. Nearly all the students in Brigitte’s […]

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One powerful woman

May 18, 201521 CommentsPosted in memoir writing, Uncategorized

The first Chicago high school built to serve an exclusively African-American student population opened its doors in 1935, and Wanda Bridgeforth, a 93-year-old writer in my Wednesday memoir-writing class, was a freshman there that year. Wanda swells with pride any time DuSable High School is mentioned — her Class of ‘39 was the first to […]

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