Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Senior Class: RIP, Melinda Mitchell

September 15, 202115 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, writing, writing prompts

Just got word that Melinda Mitchell, a long-time member of the “Me, Myself & I” memoir-writing class I used to lead at the Chicago Cultural Center, has died. Some of you long time Safe & Sound blog followers might remember Melinda — I wrote about her back in 2014 in a post called Waking Up […]

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Who’s In That Number at Printers Row Lit Fest This Weekend? Regan Burke, Luna and me!

September 8, 20214 CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, politics, Seeing Eye dogs, Writing for Children

Printers Row Lit Fest is back! I’ll be sitting with Luna the Seeing Eye dog in front of Sandmeyer’s, our favorite local bookstore at 1:00 this Saturday afternoon, September 11 to chat with passers-by and sign books for any and all interested bookworms. Sandmeyer’s first honored me with a spot at their table way back […]

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Free Memoir-Writing Workshop Starts Tuesday!

September 1, 2021CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind, visiting libraries, writing

The Chicago Public Library (CPL) has asked me to lead a free four-part virtual memoir-writing workshop,.and The first class starts Tuesday, September 14 at 2 pm central time. and then at 2 pm every Tuesday up to and including October 5, 2021. You don’t have to be a Chicago resident to register, anyone anywhere can […]

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Summer Break, Saturdays with Seniors, and StoryCorps Chicago

May 23, 20212 CommentsPosted in memoir writing, radio, teaching memoir

Starting tomorrow, May 24, all three of the memoir-writing classes I lead will be on summer break. What fun to think of these fully-vaccinated writers visiting and hugging their grandchildren, attending outdoor concerts, visiting museums, meeting friends for coffee, heading to beaches faraway… or beaches right here on Lake Michigan. If there’s one thing we’ve […]

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