Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Putting life back together

August 6, 201215 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

A screen reader called JAWS lets me use a computer to read and write, and when power user Sue Martin generously donated a series of her JAWS refresher classes to this year’s auction benefitting the Seeing Eye, , I bid on it – and won! Sue lost her sight when she was 26, and she […]

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Happy Inter-dependence Day!

July 4, 201213 CommentsPosted in blindness, memoir writing, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, writing

A lot of the conversation during The Q&A after my talk with Skokie Public Library’s Talking Books Book Club last week centered around independence. After we shared tips for keeping track of our prescriptions, identifying colors of clothing, using talking computers to read and write, one senior citizen with macular degeneration piped up and said […]

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Observing much ….

April 24, 20128 CommentsPosted in memoir writing, Uncategorized, writing

Last fall I started teaching a second weekly memoir-writing class for senior citizens. Anna Perlberg is one of the students in that second class at Lincoln Park Village, and it’s been a treat to hear her unveil her stories out loud to us every Thursday. Anna’s husband Mark Perlberg co-founded the Poetry Center of Chicago […]

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