Archive for the “Mike Knezovich” Category

Attention last-minute shoppers: here’s how to send an e- book as a gift

December 21, 2017CommentsPosted in Flo, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, parenting a child with special needs, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, travel

Mike, Seeing-Eye dog Whitney and I are taking a train to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit our son Gus for the weekend, and while we’re away our niece Janet and her kids are staying at our place to enjoy Christmassy Chicago. So, like so many others, Mike and I are running around packing, shopping and cleaning. […]

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Mondays with Mike: Talking about the plumbing

December 4, 20172 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, politics

In these extremely divisive and dysfunctional times, I’m trying to maintain ongoing conversation with a few friends who have markedly different views on things than I do. It’s worth the effort—even though it’s really hard sometimes. At this particular time, with what I consider to be an wholly un-American tax bill ready to become reality, […]

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