Archive for the “Mike Knezovich” Category

What Mike does

November 28, 20146 CommentsPosted in Blogroll, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, Uncategorized, writing

The success of our “Mondays with Mike” feature has a lot of you blog readers wondering: what does my husband Mike Knezovich do for a living? An online article in the Chicago Tribune helps explain. (The print piece is scheduled for Sunday.) The Tribune story profiles architect Katrin Klingenberg, co-founder of a non-profit called Passive House Institute […]

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Mondays with Mike: I see black people

November 24, 201411 CommentsPosted in blindness, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, parenting a child with special needs, politics, Uncategorized

Most of the time I walk the mile-and-a-quarter to and from work. But when the weather here in Chicago turns extreme, or I’m running late, I take the Red Line subway. The Red Line runs from the South Side, through Chinatown, to the North Side, so the cars are full of human diversity. White people, […]

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