Archive for the “Mike Knezovich” Category

Mondays with Mike: Note to self—next Lolla, read note to self

August 4, 201414 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, Uncategorized

Well, we just survived another Lollapalooza, the gargantuan music festival that takes over Grant Park and major thoroughfares like Columbus Avenue for what seems forever every summer. I was going to blog about it–but Beth reminded me, I already had. On August 4, 2014. Since my sentiment’s the same and Lolla is still, OMG, Lolla, […]

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These are really nice houses

July 30, 20145 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Uncategorized

When friends ask what my husband Mike Knezovich does for a living, it can be hard to explain. I tell them he’s the Director of Communications for Passive House Institute U.S (PHIUS). But what is a passive house, and what does PHIUS do? Lucky for me, a writer from the Boston Globe bought a passive […]

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